2005-2006 Research Seed Grant Recipients

Dr. Madeline Schreiber, Assistant Professor, Geological Sciences
Dr. Schreiber's research utilizes surface sensitive imaging and characterization techniques, including transmission electron microscopy, X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy, and extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, to probe complex interactions at arsenic-solution-mineral interfaces.

Dr. Tess Wynn, Assistant Professor, Biological Systems Engineering
Dr. Wynn's research addresses development of sensors for continuous sediment monitoring in streams to support field research on watershed, water quality, and stream management.

Dr. Giti Khodaparast, Assistant Professor, Physics
Dr. Khodaparast studied unexplored spin dependent properties of magnetic and nonmagnetic narrow gap semiconductors, with an emphasis on dynamical aspects using magneto-optical techniques.

Dr. Leigh McCue, Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
Dr. McCue's research focused on developing multi-dimensional Melnikov functions to accurately study capsize in multiple degrees of freedom.

Dr. Maura Borrego, Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Education
Dr. Borrego researched culture change in engineering education with a focus on increasing participation of women and minorities. Her research identifies agents of change that are most effective in promoting acceptance.