Work-Life Policies

AdvanceVT's Policy Work Group reviewed and updated Virginia Tech's policy on tenure clock extension and developed new policies on modified duties and part-time employment. These policies put Virginia Tech in the vanguard of institutions addressing issues of academic work life.
Recognizing the challenges faced by dual career couples and the importance of fulfilling employment for both partners, the Provost's Office and Human Resources established dual career hiring guidelines for department heads and a dual career assistance program.
Child care was identified as a crucial issue for many faculty members and the university community at large early in the project. The AdvanceVT team conducted a needs assessment. A part-time campus lab school was converted to a full-day, year-round center for 40 children. A university-wide task force then investigated models for child care on other campuses, conducted a utilization analysis, and negotiated a contract with a premier local child care provider.